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A Search for Wisdom

Occasional Paper #0

July 1988


Over the years I have been trying to organize my thoughts by writing them out. Since I now have a word processor on a computer and can type well, I often dump what is on my mind. These writings always need editing - often extensive. I now have segments for nearly 30 essays similar to the first couple, but all are in the need of editing.

To follow through reducing my thoughts to paper, I have taken a few of these ramblings and edited them to varying degrees to form a few papers. Some of them seem to be of interest to others, so I would like to put them in some sort of form.

With the advent of desk top publishing systems, I can play. I could put out a sort of news letter, but better an irregular series of papers as I get things into shape.

As I read other news letters, most seem to lead up to some sort of prediction. Hindsight does not have the "proper" connotation, but it better describes what I have to work with. In a sense hindsight defines the problems of the present. Wisdom results from being able to understand the problem at hand. So, in the face of suggestions to the contrary, I adopt the name HINDSIGHT.

The subject matter varies considerably. It usually is related in some way to my current reading material and the daily problems I face. For me, touching on an idea is sufficient to bring it to my attention. I make no excuse for not fully developing each idea. That would take more time than I have to devote to any subject.

By making some of this material available to others, my goal is to stimulate thinking. As I finish a subject, I am not sure that I am happy with the results, but at least I have tried to organize my thoughts.

Realizing that time here is finite, which problems are important enough to be concerned with? They are the subjects with which I am most concerned.

I hope that by assembling often diverse ideas about each subject I will find new synthesis and perhaps suggest new directions.

Take what you find interesting, leave the rest.

Glen B. Haydon, M.D.
Route 2, Box 429
La Honda, CA 94020
HINDSIGHT is decicated to examining the past in a search for wisdom coping present. After all, hindsight is always 20/20. Extrapolations into the future are left to the reader. €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€